Thursday, August 23, 2012

Adventure before dementia

The above statement has more rhyme with a British accent, pronounced something like adventia before dementia for all you Americans.

I saw this painted on the side of a buggy attached to a motorcycle today. There were quite a few cyclists in a row, all in their 50's or 60's. I like that, because a lot of people give up their dreams as they get older. And there is a whole lot of adventure out there for anyone who is willing to take a risk.

 A friend of mine in his late 50's went up for prayer recently saying he was thinking of studying and wanted prayer at a local church. He was told by one of the people who was supposed to be praying for him that his desire was "pie in the sky." People say that kind of thing when they don't know what God is like.

 For the promise to Abraham or to his descendants that he would be heir of the world was not through the Law, but through the righteousness of faith. In hope against hope he believed, so that he might become a father of many nations according to that which had been spoken, "SO SHALL YOUR DESCENDANTS BE." (Romans 4:13, 18 NASB)

Abraham was promised a son that didn't come until his wife was well beyond child-bearing age. Even Sarah had a good laugh about it. Abraham is the father of faith, and this is why...he not only believed for a son that came at an impossible time but that his descendants would out number the about pie in the sky. :)

Faith is what God wants most from us. He wants it so much that it even says in His word "Without faith it is impossible to please God..." (Hebrews 11:6). It is exactly the pie in the sky things that God wants us to trust Him for.

My dad is in his 70's and he is writing screen plays, pioneering prison ministry, and leading bible study. He is still living his life and moving forward. I wish I remembered his name but I met a 72 year old man in Hawaii at the training center who was set on becoming a missionary in china. It never crossed my mind that he couldn't achieve it. He had become a Christian quite miraculously in his 50's and was on fire for God! It's never too late to start again.

 I organized a tour of churches around England last autumn and got to pray with a lot of people about their dreams and desires to be a part of ministry or missions. What amazed me most was how many people in their 60's who asked me "do you think God can still use me at my age?" I encouraged them and some of them were already seeing things happen--they just needed someone to affirm them in what they were doing.

It ain't over until it's over.

So why box someone that God has says is "chosen" and a "royal priest." God doesn't see the way we see... when he looks at all of us-- compared to His awesome power--none of us would qualify. Man looks at the outward but God looks at the heart. He has given us His power and His righteousness which has qualified all of us to be used beyond what we think or imagine.

When most people get to be in the sunset of their life, their biggest regret is that they didn't take more risks. I think it's never too late to take risks.

Adventure before dementia. Let's do it.  I won't leave you with "take care" but rather "take risks." :)


  1. Yes!!! For my dissertation I'm immersed in researching and writing about older people, and I could go on and on about ageism and how we can box in older people with stereotypes. Consequently they can buy into the stereotypes and feel that they can't learn or achieve as they used to. Why not? Why put a ceiling on what people can accomplish? I feel SO passionately about this and the more I research and think about it (and notice it around me) the more passionate and fired up I get. Well written, Lisa. Just started reading a couple of your blog posts; you're a great writer! :)

  2. I remember hearing a story about an 80-year-old woman who was attending Bible college, and the other students were asking her, "Why are you wasting time studying here when you have so little time left?" She answered, "I'm cramming for my finals!" It's never too late to do what God calls us to, whilst we breathe. :)

  3. Thanks Kara and Rachel for your comments! I forgot this great story...Corrie Ten Boon...for her 80th birthday invited all the big leaders of ministries around the world--including Loren Cunningham (YWAM Founder) and said "Would you come and pray for me at my 80th birthday party? I believe God wants to release me into a new level of ministry and authority?" She was right! Her last years were her most productive than all the years previously! This is a paraphrase from Loren's teaching I heard a while back... very encouraging!

    1. Love it, Lisa! Age is an illusion and matters not when we're where the Lord wants us to be! "Adventia before dementia": yep, has a great ring and so good to remember.
