At that time Jesus said, "I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and
earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent
and have revealed them to infants. Yes, Father, for this way was
well-pleasing in Your sight. All things have been handed over to Me by
My Father; and no one knows the Son except the Father; nor does anyone
know the Father except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son wills to
reveal Him. "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will
give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle
and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. For My yoke
is easy and My burden is light." (Matthew 11:25-30 NASB)
Our God revealed His greatness to "infants" or some translations of the bible say "babies."
Here is the thing about babies, and I'm sure you're well aware of this...they are fairly helpless. They can't do anything on their own.
They are absolutely dependent on outside help to be fed, changed, and
loved. They look to mom and dad for all their needs.
That is a humbling place to be and it is completely counter-culture. We
still believe at some level we can achieve something outside of God's
help. Haven't you heard "You do what you can and let God do the rest? My question is: where is that in the bible? My bible has Jesus quoted at saying "Apart from me you can do nothing." That's a pretty interesting statement. When I began to research that from John 15, I realized that Jesus meant ... if we want our fruit to remain--if we want the works of our hands to LAST, we can't do it without Him. We can do something and it may be here for a season but it's not going to stand the test of time. It won't endure to the end.
We need God.
So lately in the church I hear a lot of messages about "working hard" and
Now, let me just say right off the bat, I believe in a high work ethic and I try to be diligent and thorough in my work.
However, I don't think I would ever teach a message that would make
"working hard" the emphasis. When I do that, I am addressing the OUTER
things and symptoms of something deeper. I would rather have people
changed from the inside out. I would rather look at people's motivation.
Working hard and being disciplined are best when they come out of a
place of conviction and revelation. If you are convinced and passionate
about God, you will work hard for the kingdom. If you start with hard work and
discipline, you will get harsh religion and legalism--an emphasis on
works rather than on faith and love. Or might work hard to
please men and only because other people are watching you and what
people expect you to do. ummmm-- NOT what we want church to look like. The fear of man is all about religion--looking good on the outside.
If we want to see real transformation in people's lives from the inside out, people need to
have an encounter with the Jesus who says "Come to me all of you who
are are weary and heavy laden..." Jesus describes himself as meek and
humble...gentle even. When I started going to church 25 years ago, I
didn't meet many gentle people when it came to things of God. I met
people who were interested in 1) being right 2) correct theology and 3)
following the rules. I rarely heard anyone talk with real affection
about Jesus.
If we emphasize the OUTER behavior rather than the heart, we will get
religious people who don't understand the reality of God. We will
produce people who are fairly proud and interested in pleasing other
people by their good works. If we take a look at Jesus and are
motivated by who He is and what He is like, we will see Christians who
are also loving and gentle and motivated by pleasing God as a response
to His love.
What motivates you and me to do what we do is key. If we are not motivated by who Jesus is, we can
easily make room for pride. God says he resists the proud but gives
grace to the humble(James 4:6) In fact, God hates pride. When we emphasize all we can do apart from God, we can
easily look down on others who are not doing enough. In a list of
things God hates he listed "haughty eyes."(proverbs 6:17)
Is it any wonder that God hates a proud look or countenance? We, who have so little, believe we have achieved so much and puff
ourselves up with our acheivements, with our credentials, with our
correct theology, and with our awards. God, on the other hand, who made
the heavens, earth and all things, comes to us in restrained
gentleness. He does not come pompously or in grandiosity. He came to
this earth in weakness as a baby, as a child, as a teenager, and as a
man. He limited Himself and hid his great strength so that he could
reach us and be with us and show us how to live.
This great God is truly like no one else. That's why I love Him. That's why I'm captured by His heart and his goodness.
If there is a message I would preach from the wouldn't be
"work harder" or have would be "see God for who he
really is." This is the greatest investment of your life and time--to see this beautiful God with all your heart. To know you need Him. He invites you to come and lay your burden down. Learn from
Him in his gentle way. He doesn't push or pry or manipulate. He invites
and welcomes and accepts us as His sons and daughters.
But it takes a humble heart. You have to know that you are needy. That's
what babies are like... needy and dependent. God can do something with that.
This message comes just in time... thank you, Lisa... thank you God!
ReplyDeleteI'm so pleased to hear that :) bless u!