I am not signaling out 'homosexuality' as a particularly bad sin. I think sexual sin across the board is all pretty hurtful to everyone(1 Cor. 6:18).
I want to talk to Christian right now--and to the church. I want to talk to people about why I am not giving my support to same-sex marriage and why I think this is a big deal right now. I want to talk about what we believe and what the implications of supporting this issue means and how we got there.
Ever since the recording artist and worship leader. Vicky Beeching, made her confession several months ago that she is gay this has been stirring within me. And after Tony Campolo has given his support of same-sex marriage, I feel I have to share some of my thoughts and with more clarity than a facebook status.
I'm not upset with gay people or feel particularly like this is the worst sin. I just believe that it is a sin. What concerns me is that many Christians are now saying it is not a sin. What concerns me is that we are saying it's ok to be in a sexual relationship with the same sex as long as it is within the confines of a marriage.
Already as a young woman, I sympathized with gay people. I was angry at Christians for saying AIDS was a punishment for homosexual sin. I loved my gay brother and gay friends and I didn't want them signaled out. I have never felt 'better' or 'superior' to anyone who struggles with homosexuality. I am only too aware of my own sinfulness. I believe all of us are sinners and have fallen short of God's standards. There is none of us who can claim to be good enough for God. That's what is so beautiful about God's grace. However, each of us has to come to grips with our own sinfulness before a gracious and holy God at some point, and we have to acknowledge that God's word is true. God calls us to holiness and to walk worthy of the calling we have which means we are all in a process of leaving sin behind.
For many in the church, we are no longer doing that as far as homosexuality is concerned.
Somewhere between all the hate that came out towards gay people in the 80's and 90's and the continual media bombardment of the gay agenda--a polarization has occurred. And when you combine this with the impotence of our churches around the world, we have begun to let a lie seep in.
From where I'm standing, I see that we have allowed the world to tell us that homosexuality is an orientation. That God made people that way. And if God made people that way and they can't change it, then we would be unloving and unfair to ask them to change it or to repent of it. I was in Berlin a few weeks ago and the German placards of a demonstration taking place in front of the Brandenburger Gate stated "sexuality is not a decision."
From everything I have read, science has not proven that there is a homosexual gene. We live in a fallen world and each of us has a sin nature, but God didn't make people that way and he certainly has given us the power to overcome sin. We are able to refrain from sin, but only with the power of God.
I don't want to minimize the feelings that gay people have about this. I believe it may feel like there are no alternatives. I know it's a long hard road to overcome. However, I am talking to Christians right now... God doesn't ask us to do anything He doesn't give us the power to do. One of the reasons God calls us 'overcomers' is that there are things we need to covercome. Some of us have more to overcome than others.
One of the big reasons that I love teaching in Discipleship schools in YWAM is that I believe that a lot of churches don't provide in depth discipleship of how to really live the Christian life with abandonment. I think it's easy to coast along in the church--especially when we see each other once or twice a week and have little accountability for how we live and work. I think this issue is only high-lighting a bigger problem in the church. With all the tv, movies, internet and entertainment-- the world has been discipling the church for a long time. Within a YWAM setting, everything is exposed and it's hard to hide issues. That's why I love our programs. We believe in a God who can change and transform people. We teach and live that.
Since working with churches the past 10 years, I see that it's much harder to get that transforming message into churches that meet only on Sundays or for a mid-week fellowship. It's not impossible, but I think our leaders have shied away from giving a clear, transforming message in favor of 'political correctness' and diplomacy.
I'm not saying it's easy to change this issue, and I believe some people may even struggle with same-sex attraction for the rest of their lives. But when was the Christian life ever described as 'easy'? I agree with Dietrich Bonhoeffer who said "When Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die." Does that sound easy? If anyone wants to find their life, they need to lose it. It's not an easy road God has called us to. But God has called us to live counter-culturally. It's a narrow way we have to walk.
13"Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. Matthew 7:13e
I've been single now for 45 years. Do I enjoy being celibate? No way. Would I like to have sex? Absolutely! Is it difficult to remain pure..? YOU BETCHA. But is it impossible? No, it isn't. And I'm not going to tell you I haven't failed. I absolutely have. However, I am not practicing at failing. I'm not staying in sin. I keep getting up. I keep walking. I keep pressing on towards the goal of knowing Jesus in every aspect of my life. I am not willing to give up because it's hard.
There are amazing stories of God changing people's desires from same-sex to opposite sex. And I am sure there are many people still struggling.
It's like the issue of healing. We pray once and if someone isn't healed we give up. Where has the perseverance gone? Where has the proven character gone? The bible says to ask and keep asking...to seek and keep on seeking. We are in a battle here to live and walk in the truth. We give up so easily. It's the same with seeing the power of God in all of our lives. I believe that this issue is one that need healing, too.
Some people have equated the issue of homosexuals in the church with the issue of women in ministry. I think this is a terrible comparison. When has women teaching up the front ever been described as a 'sin' anywhere in the bible? I realize that Paul's letters leave a lot of room for discussion on this issue. One of the reasons for the debate, however, is that there are plenty of exceptions of women leading people in the old and new testament. However, you find no exceptions made for homosexuality anywhere in the bible. It is only ever described as sinful. The comparison is weak.
Some people have equated this sin with some of the old testament laws that have somehow faded away. That could be a possibility if Paul wasn't so clear on this issue throughout the new testament. How are you truly proving this scripturally?
I believe the real problem is that we are experiencing friends and family who are struggling with same-sex attraction and we want to be loving and accepting but we have no answer for them. We don't know how to pray for them. I remember feeling that way with my brother who was gay. I didn't know what to say to him. I was still learning what it meant to know the power of God in my own life.
How can we give what we don't have?
I really wish that my brother was still alive because I feel like it's taken me a long time to get a hold of the power of God in my life. I am in no way perfect but I have tasted and seen so much more of God that I can never go back. My brother passed away 15 years ago and I so wish that he was alive today, because I feel like I now have the faith to pray for him and to support him with the truth in ways i didn't have back then. He was never at peace with his gay lifestyle. We had several conversations but I have faith now in the power of God that I didn't have back then.
I believe in the power of the gospel for salvation not just from hell but from the power of sin in our lives. Salvation is not a one time event but the saving power to live the way God has called us to walk.
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes... Romans 1:16
And it's not just power, it's also love. I stand on his word and I am amazed at His compassion--which is why I don't stand in judgment of the world or the supreme court decision. I want to love people, but I think that our love has become incredibly weak. We want to 'free' people even if it means they are hurting themselves--freedom even if it means they are about to walk off a cliff. If we knew the love of God in our hearts and inner man the way the apostle Paul describes we need it...we would long for His holiness. We become empowered to change. Everyone is saying we need to love people right now. I agree. But the love of God is radical. It changes me. I can never be the same again when I encounter Him who IS love.
I look at my own relationship with my boyfriend right now. I love him, but loving him has brought up all kinds of insecurities and issues and problems. It has made me lean into God to know how to love unselfishly and with the light of God. Being in a relationship has brought a lot of happiness but also a lot of pain. It's a love that makes me die to myself. It reveals the selfishness in my own heart. It changes me. It making me more like jesus. it doesn't give me license to live the way I want to no matter what the consequences or repercussions. Real love brings change.
I believe we have entered an age where we know too much and understand and apply too little. Paul wrote to Timothy that in the last days difficult times would come and he lists all the terrible things people would be doing and believing. We are there. I am sad to say we are 'holding to a form of godliness" although we have denied its power... (2 Timothy 3:5 NASB)
We are to avoid such men as these. I am grieved in my spirit. Not because the government is ungodly or homosexuals have rights. I am grieved at a church that has lost her integrity and her faith to believe in Almighty God.
Your premise is based on the idea that it's a choice, and that there is no evidence yet for a gene. I'm not here to fight, this is all new. If you are interested this subject, if God really did make people this way, then that is very important information. The most recent studies point to epigenetics explaining how people are born gay or not, even identical twins (where one is homosexual and the other is not. Only 20 percent of identical twins are both gay, so most agree it's not as simple as there just being a gene). Epigenetics are heritable changes caused by factors other than DNA that affects the way genes are turned on and off. Part of this research could explain why homosexuality persists in nature (and not just in humans) despite the fact that they are less likely to reproduce. I am not an expert though, you can read more here if you find it interesting. Genetic research in general is pretty amazing and admittedly, we are still at the beginning of a complete understanding of how God's creation works. http://www.livescience.com/25431-gene-regulation-homosexuality.html
ReplyDeleteLIsa, I deeply respect that you speak the truth in love. And I also deeply respect that you consistently hold God's Word in high regard. You don't pick to keep the parts you like and reject the parts you don't. You don't reinvent God in the mold you'd like Him to fit into. Jesus is the very definition of LOVE. And according to pop culture, He's now either anti-Love (as if) or His intentions/Word have been mis-interpreted and misunderstood for centuries by a too-rigid church (again, as if). God help us all. God help us all Love (others & Him) better AND know & trust Him better.